History of PCE

The Probus Club of Esher was founded in February 1971 with a membership of 19, promoted by the now defunct Rotary Club of Esher. In May 1971, Brigadier Rex Reed was elected the first Chairman of the Committee. The annual subscription was set at 50 pence. Membership increased rapidly and in July 1972 it was decided that ordinary membership should be limited to a total of 60; a number which remains in force today. That meeting was the first to be held in Ember Sports Club, which still remained our principal meeting room until the recent move to Imber Court.

With the increasing membership there was a demand to provide more social activities, in some of which members’ wives could participate and gradually the programme of social activities which we enjoy today started to emerge. For details visit the Club Activities page.

Our Club was the first Probus Club established in the area and was followed by the Claremont and Sandown Clubs.
In 2021 the Club celebrated its Golden Jubilee with a Dinner at the Burhill Golf Club attended by over 60 Members and their wives.

We face the future with confidence and a full and active membership.

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