The Probus Club of Esher Rules
1) TITLE – The Club shall be called “The PROBUS Club of Esher”.
2) AIM – To promote fellowship amongst retired professional and business men.
3) MEMBERSHIP – The application shall be notified at the monthly meeting and if subsequently approved by the Committee the applicant shall be regarded as eligible for membership.
4) CONDITIONS OF MEMBERSHIP – The Conditions of Membership are set out below.
- Candidate must be able and willing, normally, to attend Monthly Club Meetingsand to participate in some of the social occasions (including lunches) organised by the club.
- Candidate should be fully or substantially retired from his profession or business.
- Candidate is not eligible to join if he is a member of any other Probus Club.
- Candidate should be proposed and seconded by existing members of the club.
- An application for membership should be made by the applicant in writing on the approved form.
- Candidate should be known to the proposer and seconder and both should be able to vouch for his suitability as a member.
- If there is a waiting list the applicant becomes a member designate until being introduced as a full member when a vacancy occurs. If there are more than one member designate on the waiting list vacancies will be filled in the order in which the applications are received by the Membership Secretary.
5) HONORARY LIFE MEMBERS – An ordinary member may become an honorary life member if so invited by the Committee with the consent of the members in general meeting. Honorary life members shall be entitled to vote.
6) ASSOCIATE MEMBERS – With the consent of the Committee an ordinary member may become an associate member if owing to disability or to his leaving the district he is unable to continue the activities of an ordinary member. Associate members do not pay a subscription and they shall not be entitled to vote.
7) NUMBER OF MEMBERS – The maximum number of ordinary members shall be 60 or otherwise as determined by members at a general meeting, and the maximum number of honorary life members and associate members may be determined in the same way.
8) CONSTITUTION OF THE COMMITTEE – The maximum number of members of the Committee which shall manage the affairs of the Club shall be seven, including a Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Honorary Secretary, Honorary Treasurer, all to be elected at the Annual General Meeting, and the retiring Chairman. The Chairman shall retire from office on the completion of one year, but he shall automatically become an ex-officio committee member for the ensuing year. Three members shall constitute a quorum and the Committee shall have the power to co-opt members to the Committee to fill any vacancy which might occur.
9) MEETINGS – The meetings of the Club shall take place on the second Thursday of each month. The business of the Annual General Meeting shall be dealt with at the April meeting and at least three weeks’ notice of such meeting shall be given to members. A special General Meeting shall be called by the Honorary Secretary at the request of the Committee or on the written request of not less than fifteen members and giving at least four weeks’ notice of such meeting shall be given to members. Voting at all meetings shall be by show of hands or by ballot if the members attending so decide. In the event of an equality of votes the Chairman shall have the casting vote.
10) SUBSCRIPTION – The Entrance Fee and Annual Subscription shall be determined at the Annual General Meeting. The subscription will be due from 1st March and will become payable immediately after the Annual General Meeting. New members joining after 1st March shall pay a full Entrance Fee and a pro rata subscription.
11) ACCOUNTS – An Income and Expenditure Account for each year ending 28th (or 29th) February shall be prepared and presented for approval at the Annual General Meeting after independently being examined by whomsoever is appointed at the previous Annual General Meeting. If the appointed person becomes unable to act, the Committee shall appoint another Independent Examiner.
Revised: June 2017
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